Iconarmadilhemos a verdade para que ninguém lhe toque.

As 6 forças para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável

Segundo a PricewaterhouseCoopers a pressão sobre a mudança para o DS aumentará nos próximos 10 anos, obrigando a indústria global a encontrar soluções que não sacrifiquem as necessidades futuras.
“Os futuros negócios terão em conta os interesses económicos e a responsabilidade social e ambiental. As empresas de sucesso a longo prazo serão as que incorporarem considerações éticas e de alcance social, nas suas estratégias e decisões.” Disse Sunny Misser, líder da PwC na apresentação do relatório a que nos referimos.

O relatório identifica as seguintes tendências dominantes:

-Growing influence of global market forces, rather than government 
policy. The influence of the markets in decision-making will grow
as they reflect rising demand, shrinking supply, and changing
patterns of demand for natural resources.

-Revisions in the financial model used to set corporate and
government strategy. The new model will include new scenarios,
new risk factors, and a growing number of intangible and non-

financial factors.
-Innovation, particularly in core industries. Changing economic
conditions will expand the rate of innovation exponentially to
include changes in behaviour, product design, supply chains and
geopolitical structure, in addition to technology.

-Globalisation. International institutions will be responsible
for formulating global policies; the role of national or local
institutions will be limited to implementation.
-Evolution, not revolution. Progress toward sustainable development
will be largely incremental. Barriers to rapid change will die
hard, but specific catalysts may cause spurts of great change.

-Communication. The global media may influence which issues
governments and industries focus on and accelerate the speed of
changes in policy and behaviour.

via: PrimeZone


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