Iconarmadilhemos a verdade para que ninguém lhe toque.

Poderemos salvar a floresta Amazónica?

The Amazon Scenarios project integrates all of the Center’s activities in the Amazon Region. This is an important project because economic and political forces are rapidly transforming the forests of the Amazon basin, precipitating one of the world’s greatest environmental crises. Prevailing trends could lead towards one of two contrasting scenarios for the basin’s native ecosystems, wildlife and fisheries: a business-as-usual scenario (BAU scenario) in which the forces of destruction continue unopposed or a frontier governance scenario in which society and government, together with the scientific and environmental communities, work to control frontier expansion and insure the ecological integrity of the basin (Governance scenario). The challenge of Amazon conservation is to find ways to redirect the political and economic forces towards this second, sustainable future scenario, conserving most of the forest for centuries to come.


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