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INDEX award 2007

INDEX é uma organização sem fins lucrativos cujo objectivo é incrementar a qualidade de vida através do design tendo em conta as melhores práticas, os melhores processos e obviamente as pessoas; desenvolver o potencial comercial e humano do design de forma a encontrar soluções para os múltiplos desafios globais da humanidade:

Now it is time to nominate for INDEX: Award 2007 - 500.000€ will be handed out to the five winners in five INDEX: categories: BODY, HOME, WORK, PLAY, and COMMUNITY in August 2007 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Everybody can nominate. Designers, students, design institutions, business people, companies and any individual from every part of the globe. There are no fees or required qualifications, only that the nominated design should truly have improved or is holding the potential to improve lives of many people. Go to nomination guide.


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