As microturbinas da Motorwind trabalham em velocidades do vento tão baixas como 2m/sec. A sua leveza e flexibilidade permitem a sua instalação em ambientes urbanos e rurais, para uso individual ou incorporado. Uma opção nova para a eficiência das energias renováveis.

According to tests, turbines arranged within a surface area of one square meter and a wind speed of 5 m/sec generate 131 kWh/yr. We’ll be watching when the Hong Kong Sea School installs 360 micro-turbins (20 square meters) next month. A second installation of another 880 micro-turbines will be realized if the first installation is a success. Plans are also on the way for the World Wildlife Fund’s Hoi Ha Marine Reserve to install micro-turbines some time in the near future.
Via Inhabitat
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